Death Valley Trail Marathon

Death Valley Trail Marathon

Date: 2010-12-04
Location: Beatty, NV
Finish Time: 4:20:21
Official Results
Race Website


  • Stood here, told myself I would never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, stressed that I must be cautious
  • Stood here, reminded myself that Lando Calrissian and poor Chewbacca never returned from this awful place
  • Stood here, noticed there were a couple of Banthas down there but that I didn’t see any Sandpeople…wait a minute


  • Am a large nerd
  • No blue milk available on race course (see: nerd, large)
  • Forgot my camera, had to take low quality cellphone pictures


Special, larger than normal thanks on this one to Shannon who, despite being 8 months pregnant with our first child at the time, somehow understood my need to run away for a weekend and do one last crazy/stupid thing before becoming a dad.  I’ll always remember driving through the alien landscape of that desert all by myself, miles away from civilization, listening to R.E.M.’s New Adventure’s in Hi-Fi.  It was a surreal experience and extremely calming, just like being a father turned out to be…except without the calming part.


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