Hounds and Harriers (2012)

Hounds and Harriers (2012)

Date: 2012-10-07
Location: South Orange, NJ
Finish Time: 17:28
Official Results


  • Second career win, first with canine companion
  • Exorcized the demons of our 15th and 3rd place finishes the previous two years
  • Among other dog related prizes, won “Daddy Puppy” stuffed animal without which Luke cannot sleep


  • None, my dog and I won the Puppy Race


  • To Barbara Rushman and company for putting on what is easily my favorite race each year
  • To Shannon for watching Luke during the race
  • To Eli for sticking with me through my struggles in our inaugural Puppy Race and trusting that it would all come together with a win one of these years


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