River to Sea Relay (2015)

River to Sea Relay (2015)

Date: 2015-08-01
Location: Milford, NJ to Manasquan, NJ
Finish Time: 11:01:30
Official Results
Race Website


  • First relay experience much more fun that expected
  • Managed to ignore foot pain / lack of training and run respectable splits
  • The 77.3 miles that I didn’t have to run


  • Plantar Fasciitis, my general lack of fitness and temperatures over 95
  • Stubbornly running at an aggressive pace, not being able to move on Sunday
  • Missing a sub-11 hour run by 1 minute and 30 seconds


  • To Shannon for kicking me out of the house while she hosted Leigh’s shower, providing the perfect excuse for a Saturday run across NJ
  • To Marge and Bill for watching Luke, Dylan and Eli for the day while I indulged my running compulsion
  • To Paul for making me aware that this event even exists and getting me a spot on the 2014 squad


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