New York City Marathon (2015)

New York City Marathon (2015)

NY PlateDate: 2015-11-01
Location: New York, NY
Finish Time: 3:52:49
Race Website


  • Finally experienced running across the Verrazano, being part of the mass of runners moving through the outer boroughs, the wall of sound from the crowd on First Avenue and the fantastic finish at the site of my weekly training run in Central Park; can now answer in the affirmative to all those people who keep asking if I’ve done NYC
  • Managed to successfully find my family of spectators at mile 26 and after the race
  • Didn’t limp, didn’t walk, managed to cut a whole hour off the disaster that was Omaha and woke up the following morning without any foot pain


  • Overweight, under-trained, just getting over a bout of Plantar Faciitis and consequently, not looking so hot at the end
  • Also, perhaps, not the greatest form coming down the stretch
  • That post-race, 1.2 mile, poncho-zombie walk to the family reunion area


  • To Shannon for volunteering to bring the kids into NYC to watch the finish and to John, Peg, Leigh and Andrew for making it possible for Shannon to bring the kids into NYC to watch the finish
  • To Dave Pugh for allowing me to talk myself into running NYC
  • To honorary enablers, Dave & Kate Monahan for their “support”


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