Philadelphia Marathon

Philadelphia Marathon

Date: 2018-11-18
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Finish Time: 3:51:37
Official Results
Race Website


  • Perfect weather, fantastic course, mental note to come back here if I ever decide to get serious about qualifying for Boston again
  • Got to Independence Hall just after the alt-right rally ended so I didn’t have to explain to my 7 and 5 year old what a Neo-Nazi is
  • Crossed the finished line, ran up the Rocky steps and then ran back to the hotel, so, ultra?


  • Phone died mid-race, no photo evidence of my post-race Rocky steps pose
  • Luke, unimpressed by the Liberty Bell, “its big, I guess, I just thought it would be much bigger”
  • Had to ditch the sweatpants at mile 1, not sure how Rocky did it


  • To Marge for tagging along and entertaining the kids while I ran
  • To John and Peg for once again hosting Eli
  • To HBO for providing the race entry free of charge


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