Walter Childs Memorial Marathon

Walter Childs Memorial Marathon

Date: 2011-05-01
Location: Holyoke, MA
Finish Time: 3:34:37
Official Results
Race Website


  • Luke’s first marathon trip not a complete disaster
  • Marathon course in and around Mount Tom State Park, much nicer than I was expecting for some reason
  • First marathon as a Dad not that hard; completely agreed upon, non-negotiable 90/10 split of parenting duties really paying off


  • Something about Luke flipping out for 2 hours during the marathon, I don’t know, I was running
  • May never have another chance to visit here, opportunity lost
  • Couldn’t talk Shannon into spending $30 so I could run into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame and take Luke’s picture in front of the display that I imagine must exist to honor this


  • Shannon for agreeing to go on our first overnight trip with Luke, waking up with him during the night so I could rest and keeping him as happy as possible while I ran…Nice mom-ing.


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