Mississippi Blues Marathon

Mississippi Blues Marathon

Date: 2013-01-07
Location: Jackson, MS
Finish Time: 3:17:23
Official Results
Race Website


  • Third fastest marathon of my life, huge guitar shaped medal, commemorative race harmonica and probably the friendliest spectators around
  • NOLA, taking in some live jazz on Bourbon Street, paddle-wheeling on the Mississippi (in general, the addition of New Orleans to the trip was a good call)
  • Completed all states east of the Mississippi, did not end up in the hospital


  • Travel to states west of the Mississippi more expensive and time-consuming than travel to the states east of the river
  • Spent four days in Mississippi and Louisiana, saw zero members of the Manning family
  • Jackson city streets and their potholes


  • To John and Peg for watching Luke and Eli while Shannon and I took one last couple’s retreat before Moran Baby #2 hits the scene
  • To Shannon for allowing that getaway to take place in Mississippi
  • To Marge and Bill for subsidizing the trip’s meal budget as a Christmas present


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